
dental implants dallas txLosing your teeth can be a tough feeling. After all, you depend on your smile every day to make a great first impression; when you struggle with a failing set of teeth, that could be tougher than it needs to be. Thankfully, with dental implants, patients are able to experience a strong connection between prosthetic and bone tissue within the jaw. This revolutionary approach to prosthodontic repair provides real results without the need for clasps or adhesives. At our office in Dallas, TX, you have an opportunity to uplift your smile with a dental implant solution. With dental implants, you can experience smile renewal that both looks great and provides chewing power. Implants are strong enough to chew even the toughest foods, so if you have been missing pizza or bagels, take this chance to learn more. Call our office today!

Dallas, TX, dentist offers professional whitening It’s the start of the new year, and that means it’s time to reset your goals. This time of year is also a great time to refresh your smile and give yourself a boost of confidence. Your team at Kozlow and Rowell Dentistry in Dallas, TX, offers several cosmetic treatments that can help remove stains, hide blemishes, and improve the look of your pearly whites. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about how a professional teeth whitening treatment can brighten your smile for the new year.